
Day 8 Writing Practice

How can I save you, HK Chank!

Today is the 15th anniversary of Macu’s sovereign right back to China. As the only two special administrative region in China, HongKong holds the similar issue and perspective to the mainland China. Since 1997, the HongKong people’s attitude towards the mainland has been volatile besides more complicated than Macu. We are going to discuss the reason behind this phenomenon. 

On the 1st of July 1997, HongKong was returned by British to China. Between these 17 years, the mental state of Hongkongese experienced three major stages of transformation. Before and in the early time in 1997, the transfer of the governing to Communist Party Of China caused havoc among some Hongkongese. According to the rumor on the street at that time, the communist will confiscate their asset and allocate to the poor people. Thus, many of them emigrated to Australia, Canada and other western country. That is why we have that tremendous amount of roast duck restaurant in Autralia, because many of them settled in before the HongKong’ return. Those people who believed the rumor but did not have the financial ability to immigrate reminded in HongKong. Hence at that time, they lived under the terror towards the mainland China. China took over the regime smoothly and obviously no one’s personal assets were ravaged. The life in Hongkong returned to normal, so the people’s thought started to change. In that period of time, China was in the middle of its economic reform, but HongKong had already been the economic centre in Asia for many years. As a result, there was a portion of HongKonger started to hold prejudice against mainland China, due to they thought Chinese were poor. Their bias blinded them. Therefore, they could not see the vigorous innovation in China everyday. The term ‘Ah Chank’ was invented as the discrimination to mainlander, which means the imperious and rusty. At present, China developed to a strong and cohesive country. The influence of China around the world, both politically and economically are becoming larger every day. So those people who despised Chinese were conscious with their ignorant. The old ‘Ah Chank’ was replaced by the new word “Hk Chank’ to vividly describe their short sight. However, the extreme inferiority caused defect self-esteem. They became chubby and against every policy from government. They fought for their so called ‘democracy’ and content they were against mainlands 'intervention'. They treated themselves as ‘freedom fighter’, so they could have a reason to riot in the city center. 

The Hongkong’s future are in the hands of its own people. Beijing and Shanghai have already taken the HongKong’s place in the global economy. Consequently, Hongkong will never be benefited by these HK Chanks.   

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