
Day 18 One-child policy, good or bad?

One-child policy, good or bad?

China has adopted one-child policy since 1978, it enforces people to raise at most one child in their family. Although it has exceptional condition such as farmer family who has only one girl, and some of the ethnic minorities to have two children, the policy has a huge impact over Chinese society structure. Thirty-five years later, the population in China is under control, but also caused many relative issues.

The goal of the one-child policy is to restrict the overwhelming Chinese population level. Chinese economy was in a horrible position in 1970th, and there were not enough resources to allocate in the tremendous amount of population. Therefore, in order to accelerate the accumulation of national origin capital, the policy was issued under that circumstances. There are several advantages for promoting this regulation. Firstly, there will be more working opportunities with less people, because the new entry every year into the labor market will decline. Moreover, It will improve the population quality, since the government can distribute more educational resources on each person. Furthermore, with fewer children within the family, parents are enabled to spend more money for themselves. So the average happiness level in Chinese family has increased.

However, the one-child policy has also created problems inevitable. As the only children in the family, kids are normally overindulged. Parents and grandparents spoil the child by granting him/her everything demanded. In some extreme cases, children do not even know how to tie their shoe laces at eighteen, because this task was belonged to his/her mother. Children reared under these environments do not have the sense of responsibility, and they are frail when confronting setbacks. Besides that, China is entering an aging society right now. The new couples are facing the issue to support four seniors by themselves. The one-child policy results that they have no siblings, hence when the old member in the family gets ill, the burden falls entirely on their shoulders. 

In conclusion, even though the one child-policy has substantially resolved the population issue associated with the scare resources, the problems yield by it is becoming more and more serious. China needs to find the equilibrium between the boundaries, so the policy can be adjusted to benefit the country in a better way.

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