
Day 15 The interview

The interview 

The movie ‘The interview’ was finally released and obviously North Korea was pissed. This movie is about two men who run a celebrity talk show got a chance to interview Kim-Jong-Un. The CIA intervened and recruits these two men to assassinate their interviewee. It is an ordinary pop-corn comedy which should be forgotten within three days, but the sarcasm to one of the most centralization conturt’s lead makes the things complicated.North Koera reacts radically after the Sony entertainment release the movie title.They protest to the U.S.government for slandering their leader. In addition,the Sony’s computer system was hacked and stars’ personal information were exposed to the public. The North-Korean government denied the accusations for the attack, and exalted the attack as ‘righteous deed’. Furthermore, the New York premiere was forced to be canceled, because the ‘Guardian of Peace’ pullout terrorist attack threats on cinemas to 911.As a consequence, the Leading US cinemas group refused to screen for safety measure. To escape from this pitfall, Sony claimed that they would stop the film release on Christmas. The America ‘freedom of speech’ society were detonated by this news. US President Obama said it would be a regress for their freedom of expression if the film was shelved. For vengeance, the North Koeran’s Internet was blacked out twice under Internet cyber attack. And of course US denied the charge just like North-Korea Under the pressure of community, Sony entertainment reconsidered and agreed to release film on Christmas day. Although the movie was shown in some cinema and online, the large cinemas decided not to screen it. North Korea so only announced a statement for protesting the US for hurting the dignity of their leader Kim-Jong-Un, and described President Obama as the reckless monkey in the forest. 

This is not the first-time western society brought trouble to themselves. Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy was another example. It is perfectly sensible to maintain the freedom of speech. However, what this movie did was selling cheap jokes about another country holds different valuation standard. To praise oneself does not necessarily needs to step on another person’s face. If the US society dislike the perspective, North-Korea holds, then try to influence them in other ways. To dress-up as a so called freedom fighter and exploit people’s patriotism will only bring more hatred and opposition to each other.

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