
Day 7 Writing Practice

How do we protect ourselves.

Since the 911 incident the world is becoming more and more dangerous every day. As a consequence, people should understand the take care of their own safety in public place. It is critical for us to know what to do when a crisis happened nearby. There are a few tips I would like to share with you.

First of all, be aware of your surroundings. In modern days, people are kept busy with their cell phones. Thus they are oblivious to the environment around them. Which made them unable to oversee the dangers. For instance, if you can take a glance of your surrounding for 10 seconds, you might find someone acting suspiciously so you can leave the scene before something happened. It sounds neurotic, but the dangerous are not inevitable if you can forecast them. In addition, when you're inside a building, make sure you know where are the fire exits. Therefore, at least, you will be able to guide yourself to safety when an alarm breaks off. There is nothing to be ashamed for being prudent, because it is our life on the other side of balance. 

Furthermore, save your curiosity when you see a congestion of people. It is human nature to be an onlooker in the crowed, and it is not a good one. Of course, you will have access to the first hand story that you may share with friends. However, it can also drag you into an unpredictable event. If there is a man needs help, then go get help. Do not stand in a circle and staring at him like a monkey in the zoo. Nonetheless, keep your distant shall not bring you any more trouble. 

Moreover, you should not be a hero without wisdom. A hero succumbs to his injury is called the martyr, hence if you still enjoy your life, meditate before you act. Try to comprehend what is going on. Assess your probability to success and the consequence you may face. Plus think about the people you love. If your disadvantage is too obvious, go find people who will adapt the situation with more experience such as the cop. 

In conclusion, the concept rule of self-protection is to have a clear mind and understand the circumstances. Be cautious and well prepared will always help you in foul environment. I wish we all of us can stay sharp, and stay safe.   

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