
Day Discussion about Australian and Chinese medical system

Discussion about Australian and Chinese medical system

People face healthy issues throughout their lives, so having a sophisticated and efficient medical system is important in every country. The medical system works differently between Australia and China.

In Australia, the medical system’s keywords are: ‘reservation, specialization, and waiting period.” People will go to the general practitioner at the early stage of illness. A GP can be found in the local clinic/medical center within five miles around residence. Although a reservation is required, normally it will not take too long for the patient to be served. The GP will give out the basic diagnosis which may be supported by the fundamental health examination. Contingent on the level of undergoing symptom, the GP will decide whether to help the Patients with some medicine or send the them to a specialist/ hospital for further treatment. Yet again, a referral letter is needed from the GP for making another appointment with the specialist/hospital. There are various types of health specialist, to illustrate: dentist, optometrist, podiatrist, dietrist etc. They are professional under the specific area thus, and all of them have long-term experience and good reputation in the community. If the patient needs to attend a hospital, the reservation will put you on a waiting list for outpatients. Conventionally, it will take weeks or even months to be inspected, because the capacity of hospital in Australia is limited. Certainly, there are emergency services provided by the hospital, but another queue system awaits. The nurse will classify the patients’ situation base on the level of urgency, so the most emergency patient can always be treated first. To be concise for explanation, people suffering illness are allocated to three categories: lethal, non-lethal but may disable, and yield to the others group.

In China, the keywords are ‘lack of responsibility, time efficiency and congestion’. The population in China is overwhelming and always becomes an issue at public activities. Unlike Australia, China separates the medical subject as different department at the hospital. Under every department, there are ordinary doctors, specialists and professor level doctor ready to assist the patient. Patients will choose the degree of professionalism that they want to be treated with a different registration fee. However, there are too many patient swarming to the hospital everyday and cause congestion. Therefore, even the professor level doctor will only inspect you for about five minutes, because they have twenty patients waiting outside the door. In this five minutes, they have to ask your symptom, medical history, give you diagnosis and write out a prescription. It is a short process for obtaining medical help in China, since patients will be able to see the doctor on the same day. But the efficiency is carried out from sacrificing prudence.

In conclusion, both Australasian and Chinese medical system has their own benefit/disadvantages. The Australian medical system took good care of its Patients, but it is very time-consuming, which may cause distress to those who suffering under disease. The Chinese medical system makes sure the patient gets treated in the first place, but the influx of people forced the doctors to shrink the time with every patient. Which may affect them to make a more precise diagnosis and treatment plan.

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