
Day 6 Writing Practice

Farewell, Grandma 

It has been a year since grandma left us, and we are still laden with sorrow. The memories of her highest virtue and the time she spent with us will forever remain in our heart. The words and knowledge imparted by grandma will inspire and encourage us to consistently step forward in our live. We will cherish the wisdom that she taught us throughout her life, thus she can feel at ease in heaven 

Grandma is a woman with great value of ethical standard and a robust soul. She took very good care to her family without sacrificing he career. Her spirit of never give up made her achieve a perfect score as a mother, a wife and a successful member in the society. Grandmother loves her family, although the living condition in China was hard in 1960s, she raised her children healthily with care. At work, her hardworking won the respect from her colleagues, therefore, she could perform extremely well in the Chinese civil servant system. Which was very rare for a woman back into that time. As an admirable judge at the local authority, grandmother always preserve the high level of moral obligation. She taught us never to lose our consciences and integrity, so we can be proud of ourselves for our entire life. 

I do not have many memories with grandma in my youth, but the sense of her love and care has been with me all the time. I can still remember that she prepares my favorite spareribs braised in brown sauce every time. I will never forget the smile on her face while I was feasting on the meal. She indulged me as her eldest grandson. She would protect me from all the dangerous in this world, occasionally from my parents when I had driven them mad. She encouraged me to become a good man and a useful member in the community. Before she left us, I was gifted by her last inspiration of life,‘ you need to contribute something before your gain’. These words supported me to overcome my indolence, because I understand that I need to put in more effort to become successful. 

Grandma departed so quickly without leaving us any last-words. However, I think she does not have any regrets in her life. Her family will continue their own journey encouraged with the memories of her , may grandma rests in peace.   

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