
Day 2 Writing Practice

Today I am writing about challenges in our life. 

There are many challenges that we face in our daily life. We have to concede that sometimes people, including myself tend to avoid challenges due to our human nature, but in most cases, we have to face them and move forward to success. “Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all”- Helen Keller, The Open Door. It is important for us to be prepared to accept challenges in our life. 

When a challenge appears in front of you, do not panic. First and the most important, you need to define the problem. You can ask yourself these questions:What makes it to become a challenge? Where do you find difficulties in it? And why do these difficulties exist? When there is a problem, there is a challenge. The conventional reason that makes an activity become challenging for us is either we lack of experience or afraid of defeat. Trouble clarification will help us overcome our mental weakness, because it simplifies the challenge to a problem remains solved. In my opinion, people are not scared of the challenge itself, but the consequences of failing it. Hence once we have a direction to put our effort on, it will be easier for us to concentrate on the process instead of the result. 

After the recognition procedure, we need to find a method to resolve the challenge. Since we already know what is the reason caused it, we shall develop solutions to the corresponding problem. For example, if you do not have related experience, try to inquire the professional. If you do not have the resource required, maybe be you can borrow from others. And even if you are simply too nervous to carry out the task, you can still train yourself to tolerate pressure. These solutions may involve with serious planning and time organizing skills. However, the best way to get rid of the obstacle is to surmount it. 

At the end, I would have to emphasize the importance of facing the challenge with faith and courage. There is no retreat button in real life, so is whether you deal with it, or get crushed by it. No matter, how bad the situation is, to avoid it will only drag us into a worse position. I wish all of us will be able to muster up all the strength we have to beat the challenge in the future.   

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