
Day 82 The effort and the confidence

The effort and the confidence

The university study certainly has different concepts than our previous learning experience. The university automatically assumes that all the students as the young adult will act rationally and be responsible for their own behavior. Therefore, the pattern for the university study will focus on the term of self-consciousness and personal endeavor. In the university, no one will push you to finish all the study tasks, but if you let yourself slack, there will be the consequences of failing the subject waiting ahead. So if you are not looking forward to meeting with the dean, you should keep up the hard work and here are some tips for you to perform better. 

The attendance is the most crucial index to evaluate a university student’s potential grade for a unit. That is why some universities keep the record of the mandatory attendance rate for the tutorial. Personally, I believe that the attendance is the fundamental of our study above everything else. The lecture will provide the student the essential knowledge of the subject. Our lecturer extracts these topics from the textbook, hence they can be considered as the most important information that we are expected to comprehend. Because these are highly summarized topics, it is impossible for use to precisely understand the lecture slides without the detailed explanation from the lecturer. Not to mention some of the lecturer will provide relative examples to support his/her education. On the other hand, the tutorial concentrates on the practical use of our lecture study. Thus we will practice the knowledge in real term instance. Which makes the preview and review of the unit become vital. The preview of the subject will allow us to have a general idea about the next chapter. And consequently, we can catch up with our lecturer’s teaching easier and be able to answer his/her questions on the lecture. To solve the lecturer’s question successfully will grant us more confidence on studying the subject. It lets our lecturer become familiar to our face, thereby he/she will be more attentive when answer our inquiries. Similar to the preview, the review not only makes us to consolidate our knowledge, it also allows us to achieve high efficiency on our tutorials. As we know, the tutorial will assist the student to review the materials form last week’s lecture. Hence the more we understand the knowledge, the more we may gain from practicing them on the tutorial. That is also why we must complete the tutorial questions before it commences. The advantage of better comprehension will make us the leader in the group discussion as well. This can provide us more confidence on the study, so we tend to perform in a greater degree. 

In my opinion, the more effort we make on learning the subject, the better performance we will have and the more confidence will be generated. It is a positive loop effect, which will help us to reach our study goal in the university.   

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