
Day 74 The ultimate destroyer

The ultimate destroyer

The word ‘bear children’ is refer to the young kid who is extremely naughty. They are the ultimate destroyers in our world, and we have no chance against them. Because they possess two invincible weapons: innocence and the law of the protection of juveniles. During holidays they influx into your house, eat all your snacks reserve, exterminate your iPad or laptop and leave your room chaos. More importantly, we cannot even crucify them for their faults, since their parents are our friends or relatives. I read a news today states that one of these ‘bear children’ wrote a letter ‘y’ on a famous painting recently. It definitely damaged the value of the painting, hence the parents are facing penalty over 5000 dollars. So how do we deal with these unreasonable little creatures in our lives?

To solve the problem, we have to analyze its origin. In this case, who is responsible for the formation of their indiscipline behavior? Unquestionably, the parents are the main reason for these ‘ bear children’ and generally suffer the most from their devastation. Especially in country like China where government adopts ‘one child policy’. Parents show immensely tolerance and spoil towards the only child in the family. Even some rational parents understand that coddle their children is bad for their education, their parents may disagree with them and tend to ‘protect’ their grandchildren. This phenomenon makes these children finicky and unreasonable, due the were granted everything they asked before establishing their own evaluation of life. They never learnt to consider other people’s opinion, because they were the absolutely central in the family. Moreover, when they cause trouble to others, the first idea appears in their parents’ mind is to cover their fault, instead of using the opportunity to educate their children. In fact, people tend to forgive these behaviors since they are just kids, which induce these children to act more recklessly in the future, since they realize there will be no actual consequences for their faults.

So how do we prevent these little ‘moving disasters’ to ruin our house? First of all, we may accompany them during their stay. Therefore, when they are trying to destroy our treasures, we are able to stop them immediately. If we do not have the patience, we can lure them out of our room or distract them with other factors. For instance, we can bring them to the park, let them watch cartoon or sacrifice one of your toys to them. In addition, we should hide our valuables out of there reach, like on the top of the shelf. Furthermore, we may also keep them fully occupied, thus they will not have the time to start the adventure in our room.

Although we can easily forgive these ‘ bear children’ using the excuse of they are too young to understand, the damage they cause sometimes is inevitable such as the painting in the news. The parents should think about the responsibility for them to guide and educate their children to have good manners, at least their friends and relative will appreciate that.

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