
Day 79 study and transportation in Dekin University

 study and transportation in Dekin University

It has been three days for me since I started my new university life in Dekin. As the largest university in Victoria, the Dekin University is a popular educational institution which combines the traditional and modern strategy of teaching. My study in Dekin has been smoothly progressed. Therefore, I would like to share my experience for my peers about the convenient facilities in the Burwood campus. And hopefully this will help to enhance the efficiency of your study.

First thing I would like to mention is the diversified learning resources supplied by the university. Same as other universities in Australia, Dekin teaches the units by lectures and tutorials. Where lecture gives out the theories and knowledge about the subject, and tutorials focuses on detailed practices with a small group of students. Both forms of classes are crucial, because we must comprehend the curriculum and be able to apply it in actual cases. At the Burwood campus, there are 13 lectures theaters surround the main square in front of the library. It might be tricky for new students to locate the exact theater that holds their lecture, since it is not shown on the map. So here is the tip, the theaters 1 and 2 are inside the building I, and the other 11 theaters spread vertically beside the DUSA building. In addition to the general education process, the university also provides many other useful resources to assist students’ study. The library is the core facility in the university, due to we may find all the external reading materials required by our course at here. The borrowing process is simple, we should use the library website to check the book’s availability and make a request to pick up. The library will notice the student when the book can be collected. After the term of leasing is expired, we may still submit a renewal request to extend the period. Moreover, there are immense amount of online study materials on cloudy Dekin. At here, we can find all the relative resources for our course. Besides that, other useful skills training such as language, software application, and study techniques are available as well in the form of workshop and online study.

Although there are still plenty other facilities in the campus, what I want to emphasize is the commute options. The public transport has always been a choice for most of the students. In fact, there are 732, 767,281 and 768 bus will deliver you conveniently from the box hill train station to the campus. Other than that, there is tram 75 operates on the Burwood highway. The university claims that parking in the university can be frustrating. However, personally I do not consider it would be a problem for most of us. The multiple-level car park and many other spots allocated through the campus make the effort to find a parking space not a impossible mission. Even at the peak hours in the morning, we can expect to find a parking spot within 10 minutes. Actually, just ‘stalk’ those who are walking towards their car, and you will be rewarded by your patience.
By the way, the Dekin university Burwood campus’ book store is located at the second floor of building H for business and economy faculty, and other students should find their text books at building F. It took me a while to figure it out, hence I believe it is worth to mention.

I hope this article may help you a little bit when settling in the Dekin university. I wish both you and me will perform well in our future study in Dekin.

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