
Day 69 About responsibilities

About responsibilities

How do we distinguish a teenager and adult? Despite the physical discrepant, the psychological maturity is the key feature for an adult. In my opinion, the intrinsic boundary between these two life stages is when people start to learn about their responsibilities, instead of simply reach certain ages. 

The first and probably the most important responsibility is held to ourselves. As a rational grown up, we have to knowledge that every single choice we made will result with corresponding consequences. On other words, we take responsibilities for our actions. As a matter of fact, it is an ultimate rule which has been existing throughout our entire life. But we might not able to realize it when we were young, because our parents’ love and care. Nevertheless, we need to comprehend the obligations for us, which propels us to move on the right path. All of us are accountable for our own life, due to it is related with the fundamental ability for us to take responsibilities towards others. Even the aircraft safety instruction suggests us to put up our own oxygen mask, before we help others. In order to do that, we should espouse immensely endeavor to prompt ourselves on pursuing activities that will benefit us. We would never be reluctant to do so, although the process may be difficult and hard. 

After we obtain sufficient ability by taking responsibly to ourselves, we should concentrate on obligations we held to those people who care about us. As a son/daughter, we must repay our parents’ love and care. We need to be grateful to have such great and compassionate parents, hence it will be our turn to support them when they are old. Moreover, as a husband/wife/parent in the future, we ought to protect our family from danger and provide guidance for our children similar as our parents did for us. Furthermore, as a friend we should help our buddy when he/she is in profound though. We have to encourage and assist them to step out of the pitfall they fell in, instead of sitting by to let the situation exacerbate. 

The preceding instances are the responsibilities owned to people around us, including ourselves. However, humans are social animals, and consequently, we also have obligations towards the society we live in. Basically, our corollary duty is to maintain the norm of the community on our behalf and contribute over the social optimal value. No matter, we like it or not, it is our responsibility to make our society at least not worse.

Even though I wrote a lot of taking responsibilities, there are still much for me to learn on this path. I wish I could truly understand the meaning and weight of ‘be responsible and trustworthy’ in the future, so I could make everyone I love to be proud of me.

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