
Day 50 How to boost the outcome on a specific matter

How to boost the outcome on a specific matter

We are dealing with many challenges in our life, so it has been a complicated issue about how do we accomplish our goal effectively. In my opinion, we will get the best outcome if we are applying consistency and hard work with the right method to approach the goal, meanwhile being attentive to the details.

As I emphasized in my previous essays, we must clarify the ultimate goal that we would like to achieve. That goal is the light house on our journey, which indicates the direction for us to put our effort. Therefore, we are able to pool all the resources efficiently on one target. It has to be actual and reachable through our hard-work, hence we should set it as the most favorable output expected. We should ignore outside factors that vary the goal and only concentrate on our personal capacity. This is because the target is what we are aiming to achieve, and willing to sacrifice our vigor to exchange for it. The result depends on us, not others.

We have to apply the right approach to our goal. An ingenious and appropriate method will grant us twice results with half the effort. These methods can be generated from our knowledge, but mostly are based on experiences. Consequently, we should train ourselves through continuously participating in social activities, solving problems in our life, or observing other people’s strategy on their troubles. These will bring us precious experiences, thus we will be able to perform well when facing the similar issues. In addition, we should seek help from our parents, friends and professionals, in order to develop the adequate way to obtain the desired outcome.

Furthermore, we are required to be attentive on the overall progress. While we are implementing the actual procedures, it is crucial for us to actively tracking to progress and consider conscientiously for every detail factor. In contrast to the planing stage, we need to monitor all the elements that may affect the final outcomes during the application stage. For instance, if we are applying for credit transfer in the university, it is our responsibility to provide the relative documents. Thereby, we must arrange the documents into a distinct output format for the benefit of presenting an organized image to the officer. Besides that, we can support evidence that not demanded by the authority, but may help our application. The application is a serious matter to us, but it is only another daily job for the officer. So we must make our own effort, since we cannot expect the officer will. In conclusion, being attentive means that we focus on all detailed factors that might vary the result, and strive to influence them.

At last, what remain is always consistency and endeavor. They are always the keystone to determine outcome.‘The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back.’– Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Philosopher. It is genuine, and we must keep that in mind if we want to achieve our goals.

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