
Day 27 How to lose weight?

How to lose weight?

Since 1995, obesity has become the third largest threat to our health after the smoking and high blood pressure, let alone high blood pressure are majorly induced by the obesity itself. According to the Australian institute of health and welfare’s statistics, there are three in five Australian adults are overweight. Moreover, twenty-five percent of our children are obese as well. Obesity has a substantial impact over the burden of high-risk disease such as diabetes, heart-attack, and hyperglycemia. As a consequence, we should figure out a way to keep us fit for the sake of our own life.

There are two major factors contribute to the weight loss. The first one is the exercise we perform on the daily basis. As we know, the calories are intaked from meals and beverages support our body functions, and we transfer this energy to motivate our daily life. Obviously, intense physical exercises will burn more calories than moderate activities, in order word, we lose fat. Physical training comprises two different categories, the aerobic and anaerobic exercises. The aerobic refers to “with air”, it is an overall exercises with the goal to improve overall fitness. For example, jogging, cycling, and yoga are the typical aerobic exercises. We will inhale and exhale a considerable amount of oxygen during the workout, so the sugar inside our body will be oxidize. It is effective and smooth for participating in at least thirty minutes aerobic exercise per day, 3-4 times a week.Therefore it is the best option for people seeking to lose some weight. However, we are not only losing fat during aerobic exercises, but also muscles. Hence we can lose our overall weight relatively fast in the early stage and have a dramatic reduction on efficiency beyond some point. That is because aerobic exercise is a general full-body training, so it is hard for us to lose fat around specific areas. Thus, we must combine our training strategy with anaerobic exorcises. In contrast to previous work-outs , the anaerobic focus on target muscle training. In different with oxygen based exercise, this intensive-multi-stage training will not allow us to inhale enough oxygen, thereby our can reach ninety percent maximum heat rate or over. Consequently, if we try hard in a normal jogging and do not allow ourselves to catch a breath, it will turn out to be a anaerobic exercise. To clarify the perplexities, we can explain the difference between these two categories of exercises by the training interval. The aerobatics's interval will be run,rest,run,rest,run On the other hand, the anaerobic’ interval should be run,run,run,and rest. So the anaerobic push people to their limits, in order to obtain better results.

Alternatively, we can lose weight by taking scientific diet. Whereas work-outs concentrates on losing calories, diet focus on reduce calorie's intake. The best way for us to do it is asking a nutritionist, because professional makes perfect. They can provide a healthy schedule for us, which can be very particular. In addition, thanks to the modern technology, we have access to smart phone applications like ‘my fitness pal’ to monitor our daily calories intake. We can find these apps are extremely useful due to they can always keep you on track of the weight loss progress. Remember, having a diet does not mean to each the minimum amount of food everyday. It can be dangerous if physical training is proceeding at the same time, because we need to acquire enough energy to build up muscles.

In conclusion, the combination use of exercises and diet will eliminate our obesity effectively. We will also become more vigorous at work and study. Hence if you are overweight, do yourself a favor and achieve a better, healthier. life.

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