
Day 49 Races diversification leads to conflicts

Races diversification leads to conflicts

The Chelie Hebdo shooting and the Sydney hostage siege alerted us that our life is still under threat. Sadly, these bitter we had to swallow were created by ourselves. The national amalgamation brings us the race's diversity, and these diversities cause conflicts. Eventually, hatred was carried out, which intensify the conflict to become retaliatory attacks. It is a complex issue for us to explain the reason behind this friction, but it can be briefly concluded into four factors: cultural,religious, political and economical.

In an industrial country like Australia, there are many immigrates whose amount can even exceed the local people. The different backgrounds make them have various cultures, and sometimes these specific cultures cannot easily be accepted by others. For example, Jewish people are an extremely cohesive community due to their miserable experience in WWII. They follow their conventional tradition strictly and always wear their famous kippah. The Jewish people have rather closed society and keep the cheer and sorrow among themselves. However, it caused the lack of information communicated with outside. When other people realized the disunity from the culture and lifestyle, they will tend to eliminate these differences. It is an impossible task because we cannot change other people’s culture. In addition, the lack of communication prohibits us from developing further understanding of their culture, therefore the conflict appears.

Similar to the cultural conflict, the religious collision is generated in the same pattern, but may lead to more severe troubles. People who live in a same country believe in different god and according to their bible, other sects could be the enemy. In fact, most of the terrorist attack in middle east countries were caused by the doctrine conflicts.Fervent believers may be willing to scarifies their own life for the ‘greater good’, because they think their souls will be protected by their God.

Unlike Australia, some countries’ government may implement policies to protect their local people’s welfare. It is normally because the politicians want to fawn on the local voters. To illustrate, the Chinese immigrates contributed up to 60% of the total tax income in Indonisia back into 1990s. And the Indonisia government repaid these people with forcing them to change Indonisia names and acquiesced in the riots to slaughter them in May 1998s. Even in now days, these Southeast Asia countries tend to allocate the immigrates’ tax payments on the local peoples’ benefits. Hence this political racist generates uneven in the society, which creates the community opposition.

The last source of the clash is via the economic perspective. The world is full of competition, so the local people may argue that immigrates took their resources such as jobs. In my opinion, it is a false statement. It might be true that employers are granted with more options, which increase the competition in the labor market. However, the injection into the work force will also stimulate the total consumption, and therefore, economic growth. As a consequence, more employment opportunities are created, in order to meet the raise demand. Many people who are incompetent to get a job blame their failure on the immigrates, thereby, collision sparks.

It is a human nature for people to contend with each other, since we want to acquire more shares in the scarce resources. Therefore, we could never wipe out the conflict, but by actively communication, we will minimize the chance for it. Plus, we will be able to avoid radical method for vengence.  

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