
Day 38 The five C method for crisis management

The five C method for crisis management

During our lives, there will be many unexpected fluctuations. These pitfalls can be generated by the mistakes we made or unpredictable events in our life journey. Unfortunately, sometimes it is inevitable for us to face these frustrations and accept the maybe unfair challenges. I made mistakes in my life too, so I want to share my thoughts to guide ourselves to walk out of the downturn. I called it the ‘five Cs’ method, which stands for: Cautious, Courage/Confidence,Clear, Consistency and Conclusion.

We can avoid most of the dilemmas if we are cautious enough. So, we must always think carefully for the consequences of our next action. Be rational, consider base on our ability, benefits and opportunity costs associated with the decision we made. Only act if the benefits exceed the extra costs, and more importantly, we need to maintain self-control after the cost-benefit evaluation. In addition, we should prepare ourselves for the challenge, because it will catch you off-guard. Try to train our skills, obtain knowledge, observe and learn in daily life. Hence we will be robust to fight the unexpected battle.

When the challenge confronts us, we have to stay strong and show our courage. Running away from it has never been a solution, because the problem will not disappear itself. We have to keep in mind that, the progress to solve the trouble may be hard and painful, but if we do not take the first step, we will be trapped with it forever. What done is done, we cannot change our past mistakes. However, at least we are confidence to face the consequences. Although our courage and confidence will not guarantee our success, they will support us all along until we recover what we lost.

After we started to climb out the pitfall, it is crucial for us to clear our mind. We should identify our goal precisely. Ask ourselves the following questions: What is the reason for this straits? If our goal is to get rid off it, how do we do that? What are the internal and external factors that will affect our capacity to achieve that goal? The most efficient way to solve the problem is to work towards a clear and right direction. Furthermore, we need to develop the detailed plans to assist us in this process. The planning progress will help us to compensate out situation, so we are allowed to adjust the strategy effectively.

A perfect plan will be worthless if we cannot stick to it, therefore, the consistency of endeavor is required for our success. In order to do that, we can establish habits corresponding to the plan. The accumulated power of habit is strong and will aid our persistence. ‘Constancy will always be rewarded with repercussion’ a line from the movie ‘The Grandmaster’. Our consistency on hard-work eventually pays off, thereby promote our possibility to success.

I believe we can surmount all the obstacles in our lives at the end, but we need to conclude our experience after we overcome the difficulties. In order to prevent us from making the same mistakes again, we must gain from every problem we dealt with. ‘The failure is the mother of success’ the overused proverb, is indeed genuine. These experiences will remain as our wealth in the future, therefore, it will assist us on the first C term, precautionary.

The ‘five Cs’ establishes a complete cycle that provides some indications for confronting the challenges in our lives. In my opinion, to have courage to against the problem appears and maintain the confidence through this process are the fundamental factors. When we made mistakes, do not be afraid, because at least, our families are always with us.

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