
Day 24 The enhancement of human capital

The enhancement of human capital

A persons human capital is the education, competence and other characteristics that are evaluated to define his/her ability to perform. The present day labour market abides the winner-takes-all policy, which a small difference in emloyee’s human capital leads a huge different on pay grade. Although we cannot change the employer’s decision, at least we can influence it by increase our competitive advantage. The enhancement on our stock human capital value will help us to perform better among peers, therefore the probability to find a decent job will rise.

To improve our human capital value require us to make great efforts both psychologically and physically. First of all, we need to recall our past. People make many mistakes in their lives, and some of them may change our life pattern. What done is done, stuck in the past will not bring us anywhere. However, this does not mean people should simply ignore their past and proceed their lives, We must retain these memories deeply in our hearts, so we can transfer the regret into the motivation to carry us forward. We have to remember the past, base for the present and look into the future.

In addition, we must comprehend the reasons of our past failures. In order to prevent ourselves from committing the same mistake again, we need to understand why we made it and develop barriers in the future. Diligence is the mother of success, this is an overused proverb, but it is, in fact, genuine. After remind ourselves about the frustrating experience, we are going to learn from it. The knowledge or even wisdom gained will benefit us perpetually in our entire life.

Furthermore, we have to prepare ourselves for the hard work. The route to success has never been a smooth road, so we are expected to invest much more effort than our peers. There is no guarantee that every piece of our effort will yield return, but indeed, it paves the way little bit plainer. When the quantity reach beyond some point, the quality of us as a member in this society, will start to evolve.

Besides the psychological measures, the other essential part to step up our human capital is related to the skills. A university degree will only grant us the admission to enter the game. Hence relative certifications will increase our probability to win. Our education level will give the employer the first impression, and other distinctions will be the weights in the scale. For example, two candidates with the exact same education background will be judged by their other features, and that is supported by their other professional qualifications.

Moreover, the possession of required abilities is the fundamental, but not critical. The elective proceeds is to compare us with other applicants. Therefore, it is crucial for us to show our strengths. With the purpose to distinguish ourselves from the others, we need to present additional positive characteristics.  These features can be acquired from our daily life, such as obtain confidence from participate on the leadership program, train our investment capacity in the stock market and improve our language by daily writing practice. These advantages will aggregate and become the outstanding competence of us in the employer decision process.

In conclusion, even though it is not an easy journey, it is important for us to preserve on reinforcing our human capital value. It is easier said than done, so I wish all of us can withstand the pressure, and become a successful person in the future

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