
Day 40 Keep our handout organized

Keep our handout organized

We are required to provide a lot of handouts during our study and work. For instance, the assignments, reports, or application materials. In some cases, it is important for us to present the image that we are competent and sophisticated candidates. Therefore, we will want to keep our handouts well organized. Most employers or examiners prefer concise output, because they may face multiple applicants at the same time. The clear and straight-forward report will cost them the least time for evaluating our information, so they will tend to transform the extra benefit they gain to emotional tendency toward our application. 

The first rule to create an organized handout is maintaining the paper nice and tidy. We should always try to avoid hand writing by typing on computers. Although some of us may have beautiful hand-writing, the computer produces the paper work in a more unified standard. In addition, it is more formal, and making it formal means that we are taking the application seriously. The receiver will sense the respect from us toward our work, therefore, raise our judgment grade. Furthermore, we can utilize bullets and numbering to list our opinion effectively. It is extremely useful when we are trying to state several ideas in the same time. The conjunctions between sentences will create perplexity to the reader, hence they may skip it when time is critical for them. Unfortunately, that part may be our pillar of discussion, and the whole assignment is hinged on it. Thus, we must prevent that from happening by providing as much information as we can in summarized words.

The effectiveness of our word in a handout is contingent on our understanding to the task. We must interpret the ultimate goal of our handouts. Remember, what is crucial is the reader’s interest, not ours. Try to comprehend what do the readers of our application/report would like to see. To illustrate, our lecturer wants us to show our comprehension of the subject and the ability to apply our knowledge flexibly in the essay. The job interviewers are interested on the benefit we can contribute to the business, and they expect us to present it with our skills, qualities and experience. As a consequence, we have to determine the final goal of the handout, which is what are we seeking to obtain from producing this worksheet. Thereby use the clear target as the skeleton, we build the flesh and veins with details.

Moreover, we can always provide an index at the front. This action will generate great impact on the receivers’ first impression toward us. The index briefly explains the documents included, so the readers will have a general idea about the handout. It assists them on the following reading plus draws a vivid portrait of a very organized writer in their mind. We can create headers and footers to enhance this image, because that will make the readers feel like they are reading an intelligible book instead of some disarray paper works. These minor improvements will also help us on tracking our progress, hence we are able to outline more reasonable and precise statement corresponding to the topic.

The fundamental key for organizing our handouts it to minimize the readers’ time consumption cost without sacrificing much required information. The repeated evaluation of similar handouts will put a heavy psychological toll over the reader. So if we can both save the reader’s time and match our work output with his/her interest, the results will be decent without question.

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