
Day 28 My father

My father
Today is my father’s birthday, hence on this eventful occasion, I would like to write something special about him. My dad has taken great care for our family, and I can always receive love and support from him. For all these years, he taught me a lot of his unique life wisdom. He encourages me to leap forward on my own life. Therefore, I will never lose my confidence. So I want to write about my father today in order to present in the world that I love him and my appreciation to have the best daddy in the world.

My father’s hard-working characteristic brought him the nectar of success. In his time as a student, it was extremely hard to be a university student, because China has just recovered from war and restored the college entrance examination. As a consequence, he had to compete with not only his peers, but also applicants older than him. With his ingenuity and effort, my dad step out the first pace to his success. Probably due to his experience in participation of “ down to the countryside movement” in 1970th at China, father had developed his assiduousness, so he will never give up on seeking knowledge. Certainly, his supreme human capital brings him an extraordinary career. He has been the chief executive officer and the board director for plenty of large companies in China. As an employer, my father helped countless people with their lives. He would provide useful directions through his abundant expediencies plus his intelligence. There are still many of them treat my father as their mentor, thereby they will admire him forever. In addition, dad’s high ethical standard has been renowned among his friends and rivals.He disdains to gain benefits by intentionally harming the others. Although he suffered some losses by judging a few people based on his morality, his integrity has brought him friends for life as well.

Father adores me, because he cherishes me as his greatest gift in life. Even though I committed many stupid mistakes when I was growing up, I knew he would be behind me and backed me up with all he got. There is a proverb says father’s love is like mountain, I could not agree more. Father has always delivered his love and cares to me by his actions. Even in the darkest times when I was bewildered in my life, his help lighted the beacon in my heart, so I could be motivated on my path. I sought love, advice, wisdom and so much more from my father without giving him anything in return, but he would never ask for it. All he has wanted is to witness my success, hence I will do literally everything to grant his wish.

Father is getting older, so it is my turn to take his responsibility for our family. Maybe my shoulders are a bit thin for this, but I will improve myself everyday until I am ready. I want to be a man like my dad and surpass him in the future, I am sure he is going to be happy to see that day. Happy birthday father, and wish you can always be healthy and happy in the future!

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