
Day 26 Some hints for an interview

Some hints for an interview

In order to distinguish ourselves from our peers, it is important for us to understand the factors that affect a employer’s decision. Although some candidates may have greater human capital value than us, the ability to convince the interviewer that we can produce more benefit to the firm will make us the winner. However, we need to comprehend how to influence the employer’s choice and put down weights on our side over the judgement scale.

The first thing we need to know is the employer’s interest. We can simply ask ourselves the following question: “What does he/she expected to gain from hiring me?” Under economic perspective, a rational employer will recruit us when the benefit received exceeds the cost incurred. The cost will be the forgone benefit brought by employing other applicants. Therefore, we must show him/her the value of marginal production from choosing us to surpass this opportunity cost. To persuade the interviewers can be difficult, because we need to match their interest of profit maximization. How do we do it? Generally, we have to present the “hard-working and ask less in return’” image. In the hard-working part, we can introduce ourselves as a more productive employee than others. During the interview, we should relate our portrait with the positive description such as: vigorous, intelligent, group-worker and any features that enhance our efficiency at work. Hence, our impression for the interviewer will become the profitable asset, due to our higher productivity. In addition, we need to support our language with solid evidence. For example, a CFA membership certificate will link us with the sophisticated financial participant image, and of course the employer will assume we can perform well in this criteria We may not be the perfect candidate, nonetheless, compare to other candidates, we are always better. Furthermore, for the “less return” part, we should label ourselves with humbleness plus integrity. Usually, employers prefer the honest employee who does not ask too many favor. So the aggregated effect of our presentation will make up a flawless applicant for their interest model.

Moreover, we ought to commit a credible promise to the employers. A promise to perform well continuously in the future is very important. In order to persuade the interviewers, we must make them believe this promise is carried out with our own interest to keep. The commitment devices can interpret our promise more reliable. For instance, we may reveal our knowledge of the firm’s internal control regulation, thereby we will never slack off because we know the consequences. We also need to explain our motivations or incentives for working hard in the future. As long as we are able to show our benefit for keeping that promise, it will be considered as a credible commitment.

In conclusion, we will promote our chance to obtain the work position by clarifying the opportunity cost for not hiring us is a huge loss. I hope this brief explanation will at least give you some hints about influencing other people’s decisions.

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