
Day 57 How to make other people accept our opinion within a limited time

How to make other people accept our opinion within a limited time

During our daily life, it is normal that we hold a different opinion with others. Sometimes it is crucial for us to create influence over other individuals and makes them agree or at least not against our idea. In most scenarios, people we face care completely strangers, so we should not expect them to sacrifice their own time to be persuaded by us. Since our action did not have any effect on their lives, they may not even care to listen our explanation. Let alone think on behalf of our perspective. Therefore, we must start our preparation before we meet up with these people, and it is the only opportunity that we may generate some impact on them.

The simple the best, this is genuine. In fact, the major factor that affect people’s decision has always been the cost-benefit evaluation. Hence if we want to make our target individuals to agree our opinion in a limited time, we must aim to enhance the extra benefit side. We should create a strong incentive, which let them feel that accepting our thoughts will provide additional gain to them. In other words, we show something of value to our target individual. This value can be based on various approaches. It can either be the emotional or actual benefit. Since the time is restricted, we may not be able to provide enough evidence to indicate an actual gain generated through accepting our view. Thereby, we should use the emotional approach more frequently. The emotional approach can be the sense of approval or sympathy. Ordinally, our goal is the approval. We have to understand what exact qualities that our objective personnel is seeking for or admire the most. For instance, an employer will prefer his/her employee who is diligent and integrity. The university would like to see their future student to present high incentive to study hard. And the landlords will be more likely to choose an honest tenant who also has the ability to pay the rent on time. However, our time is limited to performing these qualities, because we may only get to meet our target in person once or twice. Consequently, we need to emphasize our image from other sources. Supplementary materials that back up our opinions are extremely useful. Even though most people do not read them carefully afterwards, it presents the image itself that we are actually putting effort on the task. In order to outline as much ideas as possible during the skim, we should provide an index and utilize dots/paragraphs in the documents. In addition, an referal letter is very effective to reflect our qualities, due to people tend to believe other people’s judgements when they have restricted source of information. The main point is to make our target think we are their peer who shares the same interest, thus even they do not care about our opinion. They tend to accept it due to there is no extra cost. 

In conclusion, it will be extremely hard once people have made their evaluation over our opinion. So we must influence them before they make the decision.

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