
Day 54 Summary for preceding study

Summary for preceding study

It is the 53 day since I started myself-enhancement plan. Therefore, I would like to make a brief conclusion for my performance in the past period. Recalling the ‘five c’ method I introduced in my prior writing practice, and this summary will be based on it. 

Starting with cautious, in the last 53 days, I analyzed the reason for my past failure. It is important for me to understand the consequence for my behavior, so I managed to consider before I act. In the meantime, I successfully maintained a diligent study pattern, which allowed me to avoid dilemmas of laziness and emptiness. I kept being rational, evaluated my action on the cost-benefit principle, hence I prepared myself very well for any incoming challenges.

In addition, the clear and concise plan helped me a lot on achieving my personal goal during this period. It made the progress of completing tasks methodical, thereby I know every specific step that needed to be carried out. Consequently, I followed the plan in order to gradually reach the anticipated target. The detailed plan also stimulated my passion to work harder, as to meet the time requirement efficiently without scarifying study quality. However, I realized unexpected events in daily life had a large impact on the plan. Therefore, I had to develop a more adequate schedule to take these variables into account.

Moreover, I established confidence and courage by handling the biggest challenge in my life until now. I comprehended that the essential part of success has never been based on its probability, but the willingness, endeavor and methods that we contributed in the process. So if something is necessary to be done, I learned to ignore the possibility to success and take the first-step ahead. Actually, I found many things that seemed impossible would proceed smoothly once applied with the proper approach.

Furthermore, the constant work awarded me with improvement on both my skills and strengths. In the last period of time, I reviewed four subjects that are crucial for my incoming study at the university. The microeconomics plus macroeconomics expanded my view on the world economy, so I was able to think rationally from an economist’s approach and comprehend the economical factors behind some global events. The corporation law provided the basic introduction on Australian’s law system, which is combined with statute and common/course law.The account for decision making assisted me to remember the particular structure of double-ledger-accounting, as well as the detailed entry process in different situations. My language skills were also promoted by consistency study. For instance, I finished the course on speaking pal application, increased my vocabulary stock by another 1000 new words, and continuously wrote 53 essays until today. On the other hand, I started to create my own strengths such as the ability on investment. I studied the material from e-trade Australia to prepare myself for entering the stock market. I wanted to train myself in this area, hence I will show more competence as my advantage in future career. A healthy body is crucial for my further effort, thus I participated in a training course twice a week with my personal trainer. Besides that, I persisted to exercise at the gym five times a week. I felt vigorous than before and decided to stick to this plan. 

In conclusion, I believe that I organized my time pretty well in the last 53 days and reached my predicted outcome. Although there are still some adjustments needed to be taken, like detailed time allocation, other practical skills’ study in MYOB and excel, my overall performance could be marked with eight out of ten. Where the two points loss is due to the efficiency can still be improved. This summary made me to appraise my performance at the end of the period, hence I would continue to do so in the future.

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