
Day108 Toulmin model

Toulmin model
The information is communicated through various platforms today. There are different sounds and opinions around us, so it can be difficult for people to evaluate the reliability of the information. The Toulmin Model has always been a useful instrument for us to justify the genuineness of the idea source.

This model has broken the text into six parts, hence we may produce analysis respectively. The first three elements comprise the majority of the body. The claim is what we are being asked to believe; Evidence is those facts or known truths that can stand on their own merit and/or is further supported by similar or related evidence elsewhere in the case study. At last, the warrant expresses the relationship of how the evidence is related or linked to the claim and this is not always clear and requires some interpretation. The warrant can be explicit or implicit. In many arguments, this is left un-stated, and we are left to interpret this for ourselves.

Another three factors comprise the remaining argument. The backing is very evidence-like, but it is directly related to the warrant and adds support or credence that strengthens the premise of the warrant. In addition, the qualifier places some limitations on the scope of the claim and/or warrant and/or backing, what the arguer is attempting to do is confine the scope and focus of the argument to strengthen their claim. Furthermore, the rebuttal counters the claim, but it does not always take the directly opposite position of the claim. What it is attempting to do is weaken the evidence,and consequently, the strength of the claim too. However, including rebuttal by the arguer can be a way of acknowledging counter claims and thereby weaken the effect of possible avenues for rebuttal generally.

The Toulmin Model assists us to perform better assessment of the information. It also provides the structural insight for us to establish our own arguments. The six basic components indicate the guideline to write a reasonable and sophisticated persuasive article.  

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