
Day 120 Structural planning

Structural planning

There are many challenges wait for us in our journey to success. Therefore, we must carefully plan for every stage in our life. In my opinion, we should understand the purpose behind our endeavor and establish a sophisticated structure to contribute our effort. Generally, there are three important factors that require us to comprehend: What we do, why we do it and how do we do it?

To define what we do, we actually determine our goals. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, we have to divide the ultimate goal into several subsidiaries. As a consequence, we may focus on a more practical target and work hard to reach it. For example, if a university student is trying to graduate early, then he/she will need to figure out the subject to be taken on each semester. Which is the secondary level of goal. In addition, there might be third or fourth level targets such as the expected grade and each assessment’s score. The benefit for applying this mechanism is these goals are relatively easy, so we can monitor our progress on the daily basis. It is crucial since we can obtain more confidence to complete them.

To understand why do we set these goals is critical, because it is the main source of our motivation. We will not be able to maintain endeavor based on our sudden passion or emotion. It may last for a while, but obviously not forever. Thus, our reorganization for the purpose behind our actions becomes vital. Personally, I suggest three elements that may assist us to profoundly read the issue: responsibility, accountability and liability. It is similar with the fundamental consents of ethics, but with slightly difference. The responsibility needs us to consider the obligations incurred with the issue, the accountability identifies the person who holds such obligation (in this case should be ourselves), and the liability is the consequence for achieve the goal or not. These three factors deeply interpret the goal, thereby we may develop respective structures to them.

At last, we must know how to do it, which involves the detail applications. In this segment, we need to act strictly according to the structure, otherwise the benefit derived from our endeavor cannot be maximized. Since we have fully interpreted our targets in the previous step, we should concentrate our power over that purpose. For instance, I am writing this blog as to practice my English writing skill. So I am aware of the reason for me to practice my writing is related to enhancing my future career. Hence I need to start intentionally organizing the topic form now on. As a result, this blog will provide more help on this ultimate goal.

This article is providing the basic ideas for structural planning. I hope it will help you to understand the concept. 

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