
Day 127 Balance day adjustments and closing entry

Balance day adjustments and closing entry

In accrued base accounting, we recognize the revenue and expense only when they incurred. Therefore, at the end of the recording period, we should perform a balance day adjustment in order to maintain the accuracy of the accounting report.

There are six major types of balance day adjustments. For example, the prepaid expense, unearned revenue, expense payable, accrued revenue, depreciation, and bad or doubtful debts are the adjusting entry we need to record. The prepaid expense is the amount paid in advance such as rent or insurance. In fact, we should not record them as expenses at the start of each period, since they have not occurred yet. Hence we debit the prepaid expense and credit the bank account first, and on the day we are doing the adjustment entry, we must debit the expense and credit the prepaid account. It can be treated as a subtraction from the provision account. In addition, the unearned revenue is the revenue we received in advance. We should always refer it as a liability because the service has not yet been provided by us. Similarly, we subtract the revenue when it incurred, which is debit the unearned revenue and credit the revenue. Furthermore, the accrued expense or expense payable is the deferred payment of our expenses. This situation appears commonly when the salary payment date is differed from the recording day. Thereby we have to recognize any accrued wages by debiting wages expense and credit wages payable. Moreover, the requirement to adjust the accrued revenue is normally due to the recording error. Thus we may simply correct the entry.

The last two BDAs are a bit more complicated. The bad debt is inevitable for every business make sales on credit. So the company will set up an allowance for the impairment account which records the estimated bad debt for the accounting period. The company will debit the bad/doubtful debt expense and credit this account. After the bad debt is confirmed, we write off from this allowance account and credit the accounts receivable. One of the biggest advantages for adopting allowance method is the business will be aware for this potential loss and make relevant decisions in regard to it. At last, the depreciation is the accounting measurement of wear and tear on the non-current assets. Consequently, accountants need to reduce the depreciated amount at the end of recording period. The detailed process shoudle be: debit the depreciation expense and credit the accumulated depreciation account.

The BDA is the fundamental element of accrued based accounting, so we must profoundly comprehend this method. 

Day 127 Debt capital

Debt capital

As we know, there are two types of capital in a corporation: debt and equity capital. As literally explain by their names, debt capital is derived from company borrowings and equity capital is the shareholder’s investment. Generally, debt capital will carry out more risks for the company, but it has relatively low cost to issue. Financial investors need to be aware of the difference between the debt and equity capital investment, in order to appropriately diversify our portfolios.

The debt securities could be divided into two categories: short –term securities and long-term bonds or debentures. The short-term securities have excellent liquidity and almost nil risks. However, the return can be quite low as well. Investors normally hold these securities temperately during the down turn of economy. To illustrate, bank deposits, treasury notes, certificate of deposit, commercial paper, bank-accepted bills and cash management trusts are typical short-term debt investments. The value of the security is calculated on the discount basis. Therefore, investors need to compute the bond equivalent yield (BEY) when comparing with interested basis investments.

The primary risk incurred by investing on short-term securities is the opportunity cost of higher return on other assets.

Another type of debt security is the long-term debt security. Bonds and debentures are the agreement of various organizations (i.e. government and company) to pay the certain amount on a specific date in the future. In addition, the interest payment will occur semi-annually before the maturity date. The bond price should be the present value of the investment after discounted the coupon payment subsequently. The formula is listed below:

As we may realize, the bond price reacts reversibly with the nominal interest rate. Which made the bond became the good portfolio stabilizer. It is also crucial for us to comprehend the ‘call feature’ of the bond. If the bond is freely-callable, the issuer may repurchase the bond at any time as to reissue them according to the interest rate variation. On the other hand, the non-callable and deferred call bonds put several restrictions over the call. At last, we need to acknowledge the rating of the bonds, which indicates the risk of default. Hence rational investors should only purchase bonds with at least Baa ratings. The major risk for long-term debt securities is the interest-rate risk, because the higher interest rate will reduce the bond price. Other risks such as liquidity, financial and call risks also require to be considered by the investors. 


Day 126 The market confidence

The market confidence

During our study on the stock market, it is interesting that we may find the company’s share price will not directly reflect its performance. On the contrary, it is what the market believes will affect the value of the stock. Therefore, if we want to accurately evaluate the pattern of the price, we must comprehend the real impact of information over investors.

Generally, we need to allocate the weight to individual information, in order to
perform reasonable assessment of the possible influence. For instance, the Petro China Company Ltd. and Sinopec, the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation’s share price sharply increased 10% day. The reason behind this is simply as there was a rumor about the consolidation of these two leading monopolies. In fact, the Petro China first quarter report just indicated the net profit has decreased by 82% comparing to the same period last year. Which is definitely a negative figure over the company’s share price. So why did the market react to an untrustworthy rumor with such excitement, that even made the investor to ignore the poor performance of the company? To understand the market’s abnormal behavior, we should recognize the consolidation miracle brought by China south and north train. Through the impressive capital gain derived by the merger of the Chinese biggest railway companies, the investors believed that the reconstruction and consolidation of government-owned corporations would bring huge benefit. As a consequence, the market reacts drastically even with assumptions. The substantial investor’s confidence is sufficient to cover any negative effect from the company’s performance. The hypothesis was also proved by the consistent 10% increase on China Unicom’s share, after the rumor of its reconstruction.

If the market has great confidence that the stock is performing well, then it will actually make the stock to perform well. What’s important is the investor’s beliefs, rather than actual data. 


Day 125 Weekly market highlights

Weekly market highlights

After the tremendous increase in first quarter, the Chinese stock market is expected to confront a period of adjustment and stable growth. We are still required to be aware of the policy announcement, and market forces movement. In my opinion, there will be two industries has the potential to rise in the next quarter.

The first area should be the bank industry. The recent decrease on bank reservation level by 1% will drastically increase the source of funds. Corresponding with the anticipated decrease on interest rate around May, the stock market is going to be injected with fresh money. Since the overall market index is predicted to rise, as the key driver in the market bank industry can also receive benefits from this. As we know, the only remaining industry that has average price to earnings (PE) less than 10 in Chinese stock market is the bank industry. If an economy is going to expand, the bank is the main force. Therefore, we should monitor the medium/small commercial banks next week.

In addition, the real-estate market is going to be largely affected by the reservation rate and interest rate adjustment. It is quite obvious, because the interest on mortgage will be lower and banks are providing more loans. In fact, the influence has already taken place in last month. According to the statistics, the comparative growth of the real-estate market trade was 26.4%, and this number will definitely be stimulated by the upcoming monetary policy.

At last, the Chinese national development and reform commission has accelerated the investment on infrastructure projects. Especially on city environmental protection industry, the Public-Private-Partnership(PPP) was introduced by authority as to support relevant establishment. As a consequence, the infrastructure and environmental related stocks should draw our attention in the next period.  


Day 124 Privacy Control

Privacy Control

There are two privacy control models commonly introduced in eCommerce and social networking websites: Opt-in and Opt-out model. Opt-in model restricts the entity from using customers’ information, unless specifically consented by customers. In contrast, the Opt-out model allows the company to utilize the information, except data that customers forbidden to disclose. Jeffrey M. Lacker suggested that Opt-out means entities have the right to share information; customers can ask them to stop. Opt-in means customers have the right to no-information-sharing; entities can ask them for permission to share. (Lacker, 2002)

Generally, privacy advocates and customers espouse the Opt-in strategy. ‘By opting-in, they must give their explicit consent to a set of rules that govern the way that information can be used, traded or sold.’(Johnson, Bellman and Lohse 2002) Customers believe that they will maintain more control over their privacy rights when adopting Opt-in model. Since all released information is under their instruction. In fact, people feel safer and comfortable to share information in this system, hence the Opt-in strategy actually yields a higher customer response rate. Which leads to produce more valuable information for entities. In addition, the Opt-in model prevents the involuntary information leaks, because people were not aware of the implicit privacy provisions or changes in the Opt-out model. In regard to this problem, Facebook was forced by the U.S. government to introduce Opt-in privacy changes in 2011. McIver and Elmagarmid further justified the customers’ preference on privacy control models ‘the overwhelming majority, 72.4 percent, preferred the opt-in strategy of giving permission ahead of time.’(McIver and Elamagarmid, 2002, p 251)