
Day 174 End of term analysis

End of term analysis

Time surely pass fast, it is now the end of my trimester in university. As we know, people would not learn from experience, we learn from the process that we review and evaluate it. So that is the reason for me to write this integrated performance assessment. 

I would like to expand this review on the skill basis. In fact, there are three major objectives for me to achieve in the first level of my personal improvement plan. For instance, the interpersonal skills, career skills and self-management skills are my fundamental goals through this trimester. 

At first, I believe my interpersonal-skills have improved immensely. Since I comprehend the basic concept of relationship management, which is to provide something of value to others. Through my effort, I met many friends who share the same interest and target as me. My endeavor wins me an advantage on course understanding and progress. Therefore, I utilize it as my specific value to others. My knowledge and outgoing characteristic grant me the respect and friendship. In addition, the ‘more praise than criticize’ approach helped me to maintain this relationship. 

Moreover, the career skill involves the two components as the university course and actual practice. I could proudly present that I was hardworking through the whole trimester, and expect a decent grade to reward my effort. I have successfully adapted the university study culture, thus I am confidence to accept for challenges in the future. On the other hand, I have acquired some practical skills on MYOB from the accounting course, participated in the stock market trading and tried to make my own analysis corresponding to my finance major. It was a good start because I reached 40% investment return in three months period. However, I definitely need to participate more in the trading and develop a more systematic perspective on the market trend anticipation. 

At last, my main focus in this trimester is to enhance my self-control ability. It has been the greatest weakness for me, which dragged me down several times in life. Fortunately, I finally understood that there are priorities that identify the hierarchy of events in our life. So I managed to concentrate on what is the most important objective for me right now. I think the consistent blog post writing not only improved my writing skills, but also trained my strength of will to work hard. Thereby, I am satisfied with my progress on self-management skill. 

In conclusion, I made a head start on my university life, and consequently, I must keep this pace in order to obtain higher goals in my personal improvement plan.   

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