
Day 163 Information System and Information Technology

Information System and Information Technology

Information technology (IT) relates to the technology people use to proceed the information and support the information requirement by the organization. On the other hand, the Information System is more on systematic perspective, where data are collected, proceeded, stored, analyzed and disseminated into quality information for a specific purpose.

The fundamental factor for an information system is the procedure to transfer data to information and allow the informed users to obtain knowledge from it. The data item is the elementary description of things, events, activities and transactions that are recorded, classified and stored. It does not present any specific meaning, since it is simply the facts or evidence. Once data is collected, it must be translated into information, where these facts will be organized to generated meaning and value to the recipient. At last, users gain knowledge base on the combination of data and information, which are organized and processed to convey understanding, experience or expertise for the recipient. For a computer-based information system, all these procedures are completed through computer technology. The four fundamental components for the CBIS are software, hardware, database and network. Hence the system will utilize these components to produce the desired information output. IT personnel perform IT services use the IT components, and these three elements comprise the IT infrastructure in the business.

In a organization, there are many different type of information systems. For example: the functional area IS supports the activities within the specific functional area; the Transaction-processing system processes transaction data from business events; the enterprise resource planning system integrates all functional areas of the organization are cross-functional system that used to communicate with FAIS; Inter-organizational information systems connect two or more organizations, where the electronic commerce is part of this system. In addition, there are plenty of information systems are designed to assist employee’s productivity. For instance, the office automation systems support daily work activities of individuals and groups; the business intelligence system provide computer-based support for complex decisions; the expert systems attempt to duplicate the work of human expert to make decisions in particular areas; and dashboards are often adopted to assist the managements of the organization, which provides timely information and direct access to structured reports.

Although the application of the information system brings more opportunities to the organization, it also disrupts the business by eliminating jobs. Due to a large proportion of jobs are carried out through the system. So the company should be aware of this situation and implement the system efficiently.  

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