
Day 159 The authentication process

The authentication process

The information security is becoming a more and more important issue in the business. Therefore there are new technologies developed to assist the management team to protect the company’s data. One of these important processes is the authentication system. It basically involves the recognition of the user’s identity.
  • Something the user is …

The biometrics identification method is to identify the user’s physical characteristics. The Australia Border Control implemented the facial recognition technology on the ‘Smart Gate’, which is a traveller self-process passport control system. The camera will match individual’s facial structure with the photo, and therefore, only identified person may pass
  • Something the user has …

The authentication system will request the user to provide a unique identification token. The Deakin student id is one of these special items to prove our identity. When we scan the card on printers, the system analyses the information stored in the card and recognizes us.

  • Something the user knows …

The system will ask the user to provide the pin, code or passphrase in order to identify them. ‘It refers to a secret knowledge–based approach, where the user has to remember a particular pattern.’ (Clarke, 2011) For example, the Deakin University requests students and staff to pre-set their distinct password for using DeakinSync account.

  • Something the user does …

The authentication process requires the user to perform the specific action. Australia used to adopt the signature authentication method on credit card payments. Where our signature is compared with the signature on the back of credit card. ‘Templates reflecting individual characteristics exhibited in signing one's name - the speed, angle of the pen and pressure exerted, as well as the physical appearance of the signature itself-are used in signature dynamics.’(IBIA, n.d.)

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