
Day 204 Non Banking Financial Institutions

Non Banking Financial Institutions

Besides the commercial banks, there are many types of Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs) operating in our financial markets. These institutions provide great diversification of the financial sector, which is increasingly being recognized as complementary to the banking system. In fact, they successfully absorb the violations and shock during economic depression. Moreover, the existence of these additional financial service providers profoundly contributed to the healthy completion in the market. Since both the regulators and customers are benefited from the competition, they obviously enhanced the market stability. As a consequence, it is crucial for investors to have sufficient knowledge on the structure of these organizations, and utilize them to create better return on investment.

It is easy for us to comprehend the nature of these institutions if we divided them into three acknowledgement criteria: the service provided, the source of funds, and the use of funds. Firstly, the investment banks, which is officially classified as money market corporations have played a crucial role in the financing industry. Although they only represent a small proportion of assets in the market, it does not reduce their significant position. Generally, they involved in highly sophisticated advisory and arrangement services. For instance, they perform as the undertaker of IPOs and help their customers to arrange private placement buyers. Other than that, they assist corporations to structure the financing strategy on domestic and international markets, reconstruct the balance sheet corresponding to change in business environment and advising of merger and acquisition of other companies. Investment banks source their funds majorly from offshore and from capital market securities. They rarely hold loans as an asset, so they rater sell the loan on the capital markets.

Another major sector of NBFIs is the managed funds. This category includes many distinct institutions such as insurance company, unit trust funds, mutual funds, hedging funds and superannuation. Each of them represents a different structure to provide financial services as the complement of bank. For example, the life/general insurance is the contractual saving that customer pays a premium to cover the future adverse events. In addition, the mutual fund is the pooling of resources from individual investors to invest in a diversified portfolio. On the contrary, the hedging funds involve in a higher risk and higher return investment strategy, which is designed for the tall-end of wealthy individuals or large corporations. They usually operate under a high leverage, so the investors will expect a significant economic value in return. It is common for hedge funds utilize derivative instruments to manage risk exposure and gain benefit on both markets up and down turn.

In conclusion, the Non-Banking Financial Institutions played critical role in the development of financial market. Therefore we need to understand their function as a financial participant. 

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